
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Kilts and Cards

You may have been wondering why am I called the Celtic Stamper?  Well wonder no more! Several years ago, my husband and I decided to embrace his passion of bagpipes, kilts and all things Scottish (no, he's not from Scotland, but is of Scottish descent). Friends of ours owned a Scottish import shop and when my husband approached them about carrying on the tradition after they retire, they decided to retire right then! Three months later we were the new owners of the Blandford shop.

The same year we made the decision to buy the shop, I signed up with Stampin' Up!. Who knew way back then that both our passions would collide? Fast forward almost 9 years, and here we are... both businesses (thankfully) thriving! I'm grateful we have a shop that gives me a location to hold stamping classes and where my hostess club can meet (not to mention our semi-annual kiltmaking workshops, where you can learn to make your own authentic kilt!).

Last night I decided to make some Christmas cards to sell in our shop. Naturally they had to be Scottish-themed, so I rummaged through my tartan scraps from kilts past, pulled out my stamping stuff, and went to town!

All supplies, with the exception of the Gaelic greeting and tartan, are from Stampin' Up! - even the adhesive! Using the new square Framelits made the window for the tartan super easy!

I remember the day my husband approached me about us buying the shop.  And I remember his asking, "In a year, will you be tired of looking at kilts?" I can't imagine a more perfect marriage of kilts and cards.

As always, thank you for stopping by. Now go stamp (or make a kilt)!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Our Annual Card and Cookie Swap!

This past weekend, we got together for our annual card and cookie swap.  Although there were several who weren't able to make it due to the weather and illness (darn those unpredictable California "winters"), we had an amazing group of ladies and a ton of fun!  Check out these treats!





So many yummy treats!  We also had some savory dishes and other desserts, but I think my photographer got hungry and didn't finish taking pictures! 

And now for the cards!!




It seems like I'm missing a few cards... will have to look for them. I think the ladies did an incredible job on each of their cards... they really show such personality!

I have to say, my favorite part of the evening was everyone jumping in and helping us "last-minute-Lucy's" who needed to finish up our cards and cookies.  It really got me in the spirit of the holidays, because for me, that really is what it is about - sharing with, and caring about others.

Blessings to you and yours for this holiday season... now go stamp. :)